Lip Fillers and Enhancement

Lip-EnhancementDermal lip fillers is a very popular cosmetic procedure used to achieve enhancement and rejuvenation of the lips and perioral areas. Full lips with a defined border are a feature of youthful attractiveness, and consequently, full, voluptuous, sensual lips is a highly desired facial aesthetic.

What can dermal lip fillers be used for?

Dermal lip fillers have a variety of uses, not just plumping the overall size of the lips.

As we age, natural components of the lips including collagen, elastin and Hyaluronic Acid, which give the lips structure and volume gradually diminish. Consequently, the lips and surrounding areas become subject to volume loss and structural changes.

  • The corners of the mouth can begin to droop giving a sad or angry look ( mouth frown).
  • The Cupid’s bow (V shaped area of the upper lip), can flatten out,
  • Smokers lines (vertical lip lines) may also appear.
  • Loss of lip volume and fullness

All of these issues can be addressed and improved through the use of lip dermal fillers, Lip fillers can be used to restore or add fullness to lips, soften lines, folds and wrinkles around the mouth, correct asymmetries of the lips, create more sculptured and defined lips, and correct any downturn in the corners of the mouth.

What are lip fillers made from?

Dermal lip fillers are made from a smooth injectable gel consisting of Hyaluronic Acid. Hyaluronic acid is a complex sugar found naturally in the skin, and has the ability to attract and hold vast quantities of water, thereby resulting in plump, voluminous and hydrated lips.

Dermal fillers containing Hyaluronic Acid can be used not only to restore volume or plump up the lips, but also to create definition of the lips and surrounding structures.

What is involved in Lip Fillers treatments?

The lips are a very sensitive area, and in addition to the anaesthetic contained within the fillers, additional anaesthetic is provided (either topical ointment or injection). After application of the anaesthetic, small amounts of lip fillers are administered through a fine needle. A thorough consultation is done first with the doctor to determine the exact areas of concern for the client, and the desired outcomes from the lip filler treatment. The lip fillers are then administered to achieve the result the client is after. Treatments usually take between 20-30 minutes.

Are there any side effects of lip fillers?

Side effects of the procedure are usually temporary and mild and include pain, swelling, bruising and temporary lumps. It is best for the client to avoid any drugs that thin the blood for a week or two before having their lips enhanced. (Anti-inflammatories, Alcohol, fish oil, garlic and Gingko, can also thin the blood). Use of creams, such as Arnica, will help reduce the extent and duration of bruising, should it occur. Clients with a history of cold sores, may also be advised to commence a prophylactic course of cold sore treatment post procedure, as lip fillers treatment may activate a flare-up of a cold sore.

When will I see results of my lip fillers treatment?

The results of the lip fillers procedure are seen immediately post completion of the treatment, but there may be some swelling, and the final result will be seen when this swelling subsides. The lip fillers will also “mature” over a couple of weeks, as the filler will attract water, and this will further plump and hydrate the lips. Typically the lip fillers should last 10-12 months.

Contact Dr Tandra Paul for more information about Lip Fillers Enhancement and Rejuvenation treatments using the contact page here.